Deadpool diaries

Day 1: Well today was pretty good... I started out by waking up in a recycle bin... With a couple of hippies protesting at me for whatever reason... And I HAVE to admit... Hippies taste pretty good, I mean sure- the meat is kind of warped when the sword penetrates the prey when it's still alive but it still has some kind of flavor that I can't explain...
Day 2: My home is infected with maggots and spiders.. They keep eating my dogs skin, to the point where I have to red rocket the dog to calm it down.
Day 3: I think I killed Spider-Man.. I mean he flew into my sword practically... But whatever, I think he's sleeping in the corner of my home, he smells really bad and is starting to rot but that could be his bad hygiene talking!
Day 4: I think I have a rash... On my face, OH WAIT my face is a rash!!!
Day 6: I'm going to take a trip to Mexico.. Hopefully I'll score some mexicans.. Till than C-ya!